Scientist brochure

Scientist brochure

SCIENTIST brochure Immune Image The Immune-Image project aims to develop and implement a novel non-invasive molecular imaging platform for assessing immune cell activation and dynamics in oncology and inflammatory diseases, both in animal models and in patients. If...
Patient brochure

Patient brochure

Patient brochure Immune Image The Immune-Image project is seeking to develop a new strategy to help doctors diagnose patients with conditions where the immune system is key. If you would like to read more about this research project, see the partners involved and get...
Kick-off meeting

Kick-off meeting

Kick-off meeting On January 27-28, 2020 the Immune-Image consortium got together in Amsterdam to officially kick-off the project! The kick-off meeting was the first time that all consortium partners met to share knowledge, discuss the workplan for upcoming years and...
Kick-off meeting Immune-Image

Kick-off meeting Immune-Image

Kick-off meeting Immune-Image Immune-Image kick-off meeting will take place in Amsterdam on January 27-28, 2020. The meeting will bring together all consortium members to share knowledge, discuss the workplan for the upcoming year(s), and to align partners’ synergies...