by Janneke de Haan | Dec 22, 2021 | Publications
Expanding Theranostic Radiopharmaceuticals for Tumor Diagnosis and Therapy ABSTRACT Introduction Radioligand theranostics (RT) in oncology use cancer-type specific biomarkers and molecular imaging (MI), including positron emission tomography (PET), single-photon...
by Janneke de Haan | Dec 15, 2021 | Interview, News
“Being part of the Immune-Image project is a great opportunity to improve both professional and personal skills.” Claudia Foray is a researcher for the Immune-Image project and is involved in the project because of the focus of her PhD project. In her research she...
by Janneke de Haan | Dec 14, 2021 | Interview, News
Meet the partner: Lygature Within Immune-Image, Lygature co-leads the data management work package, WP2, taking overall responsibility for the timely delivery of the deliverables and milestones in the various subtasks and the creation and execution of the data...
by Janneke de Haan | Dec 13, 2021 | Interview, News
Patient interview: Seamus Cotter We interviewed Seamus Cotter from Ireland about his experiences with immunotherapy. Seamus has stage IV NSCLC lung cancer, was diagnosed in June 2016, and is now in remission. We asked him how he found out about immunotherapy, which...
by Janneke de Haan | Dec 7, 2021 | Publications
The Colony Stimulating Factor-1 Receptor (CSF-1R)-Mediated Regulation of Microglia/Macrophages as a Target for Neurological Disorders (Glioma, Stroke) ABSTRACT Introduction Immunomodulatory therapies have fueled interest in targeting microglial cells as part of the...
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