We would like to introduce you to the brand ambassadors of the Immune-Image project: Prof. Dr. Geert Raes and Dr. Fiona McDonald. The goal of the brand ambassadors is to share their insights on relevant and interesting content for the partners of the consortium as well as for audiences outside the consortium.

Prof. Dr. Geert Raes
Prof. Dr. Geert Raes is an immunologist and co-pioneered the use of nanobodies for targeting of monocytes/macrophages. He is the (co)-author of more than 100 publications (H-index: 32). He is staff scientist and valorization manager at the VIB Myeloid Cell Immunology lab and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel Cellular and Molecular Immunology lab. In addition to being trained as an immunologist, with a focus on tumor immunology and in vivo applications of nanobodies, he has experience in compiling, coordinating, reporting on and valorization of scientific projects with a focus on collaborative projects and interaction with industry. He is co-founder of the spin-off companies Precirix, that leverages nanobody-based radio-theranostic compounds in cancer and Abscint, that leverages nanobody-based compounds for in vivo nuclear imaging applications.
Dr. Fiona McDonald
Dr. Fiona McDonald is a preclinical pharmacologist with more than 30 years research experience in the pharmaceutical industry. She worked in projects across all R&D phases from early research to ongoing support for marketed products. With a primary focus on disease models and therapeutic approaches, she has broad experience across many indication areas (including cardiology, neurology, regenerative medicine and inflammation/immunology) and treatment modalities (e.g. small molecules, antibodies and cell-based approaches). In addition to internal research projects, she has been closely involved in individual collaborations with academic groups, in inter-company research collaborations, and in large consortia (e.g. the IMI project “PRECISESADS”), and also in the evaluation of external projects as potential in-licensing assets. Now semi-retired, she is part of Bayer’s ‘Senior Experts Network’ and works in this capacity to support the Immune Image project.
Do you have a question for Fiona or Geert or would you like to share interesting and relevant events, topics or news articles? Please let us know by sending us an e-mal (sending us an e-mail linken naar: https://www.immune-image.eu/contact/