The overarching objective of Immune-Image is to develop a novel non-invasive imaging strategy for assessing immune cell activation and dynamics in oncology and inflammatory disease, in animal models and in patients. To achieve this goal, 21 organisations will be working in 7 workpackages during 6,5 years.

Specifically, within Immune-Image we will:


Develop an infrastructure for data sharing, harmonisation and biobanking.


Generate imaging agents for characterisation of specific immune cell subsets.


Develop and optimise imaging workflows and conduct proof-of-principle studies.



Validate immunotracers in disease models with the aim of making them applicable to clinical studies.


Conduct human clinical trials to confirm safety and to evaluate the clinical potential of novel immunotracers.


WP1. Management, coordination, dissemination and sustainability

WP1 leaders:
Bert Windhorst (AUMC)
Jason Hannon (

Partners involved: AUMC, WWU, TTOP, Lawrencium, Roche

WP2. Data storage and analysis enablement

WP2 Leaders:
Jan-Willem Boiten (Lygature)
Charles Glaus (Bayer)

Partners involved: AUMC, UMCG, Antaros, LYG, Lawrencium, Bayer, Janssen, Takeda

WP3. Generation of imaging reagents to uniquely identify
specific cell types

WP3 Leaders:
Nick Devoogdt (VUB)
Wouter Driessen (Roche)

Partners involved: AUMC, EKUT, WWU, VUB, VIB, UMCG, Roche, Janssen, Pfizer, Takeda

WP4. Immune cell imaging technique development and tracer validation

WP4 Leaders:
Manfred Kneilling/Bernd Pichler (EKUT)
Bastian Zinnhardt (Roche)

Partners involved: AUMC, EKUT, UCAM, WWU, VUB, VIB, UMCG, VHIO, VHIR, Roche, Bayer, Janssen, Pfizer

WP5. Implementation of immunotracers for longitudinal assessment and therapy monitoring in pre-clinical disease models in vivo

WP5 Leaders:
Andreas Jacobs/Michael Schäfers (WWU)
Ian Wilson (ImaginAb)

Partners involved: AUMC, EKUT, UCAM, WWU, VUB, VIB, UMCG, VHIO, VHIR, CEA, Roche, Bayer, Janssen, Pfizer, ImaginAb, Takeda

WP6. Trials with immunotracers in patients with cancer and inflammatory diseases

WP6 Leaders:
Elisabeth de Vries (UMCG)
Robert Janiczek (Janssen)

Partners involved: AUMC, EKUT, UCAM, WWU, VUB, UMCG, VHIO, VHIR, Antaros, LYG, Roche, Bayer, Janssen, Novartis, Pfizer, ImaginAb, Takeda

WP7. Ethics requirements

WP7 Leader: AUMC
Partners involved: All partners

General information

Project acronym: Immune-Image

Full project title: Specific Imaging of Immune Cell Dynamics Using Novel Tracer Strategies

Grant Agreement ID: 831514

Project start date: 1 October 2019

Project end date: 31 March 2026

Project duration: 78 months

Project budget: € 27,200,801.38

EU contribution: € 15,000,000

EFPIA contribution: € 12,200,801.38

Project leads: Bert Windhorst (VUMC) and Jason Hannon (Roche)


This project has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 831514. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA.